Category Archives: Session Proposals

“Carpentry” as a Way of Knowing

First of all, I should explain what I mean by “carpentry” in this context. I’m borrowing the idea from Ian Bogost, who describes carpentry as the practice of making philosophical and scholarly inquiries by constructing artifacts rather than writing words. Instead of writing an essay about Thoreau’s Walden, why not make an argument by building […]

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DH + Social Sciences

There is lots of talk these days about  inclusivity and DH.  Some of this talk extends to disciplinary inclusivity.  In light of my own disciplinary background (“I’m not a humanist, but I hang around in the digital humanities community” blah, blah, blah…most people have heard my schtick) I’m really interested in talking about strategies that […]

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Defining and Developing the Skills Important to Digital Scholarship

THATCamp has opened up many opportunities for participants to share and develop skills in areas such as text mining, project management, material culture, and digital pedagogy (to mention just a few of the topics I’ve seen in browsing past THATCamps). But I want to take a step back and ask what are the skills important […]

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Alt-Ac, DH, Public History: What Do They Mean?

At last year’s THATCamp Prime, Katina Rogers did an interesting session about her alt-ac study for SCI, which revealed (at least to me) some variations in the categories different disciplines use to describe potential job opportunities for PhDs beyond the professoriate. Given the range of participants and disciplines at THATCamp Leadership, perhaps this gathering could provide […]

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Make Session: Learning Outcomes for a Globally Networked World

One of the key attractions of digital humanities in the undergraduate curriculum  is the promise that it offers a to teach skills needed for the 21st century student.  But, what are those skills? What are the essential learning outcomes needed in a globally networked world and how might digital humanities or, more broadly, digital scholarship […]

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How do we become better advocates for the digital humanities in our institutions?

This is a session for those of us who are digital humanities enthusiasts and users, but not technical whizzes or programmers.  How do we become better advocates for the digital humanities in our institutions? How do we integrate the development of digital libraries into our strategic plans/processes?  How do we find “best practices” for institutions […]

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As a member of the #transformDH collective, I want to propose a session where folks can discuss some of the transformative work in DH that is addressing issues of race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, nation, etc. Additionally, I hoped that we could create a zotero Library of these sources. Adeline Koh created a wonderful google doc […]

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I’d love to talk with folks about the opportunities arising from the paradigm shift afoot in education, culture, technology and how we can work together to ride the momentum with our shared ethos. I’m particularly interested in THATCamp/OpenGLAM/LODLAM overlap, and how we might leverage common tools for organizing, overlap on some events, and basically build […]

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Beyond Turnitin and anti-plagiarism softwares

In my university, the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, the Dean of Studies and the Academic Service decided recently to introduce systematically the use of an anti-plagiarism software. The reason is for single Ph.D. researchers to look at the various chapters and drafts of their dissertation during the four years research/writing process and verify the originality […]

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