Category Archives: Administrative

Session Proposal – – The way we review grant proposals sucks: what if we used scrum?

A bunch of people locked in a conference room for a weekend is a poor way to decide who gets funded and who goes away empty handed. There has to be a better way. I’d like to explore how we might use the rapid, iterative, team-based methodologies of “scrum” to create a fairer, more accurate, […]

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How to form a THATCamp Coordinating Council

When the grant funding for the THATCamp project runs out at the end of March 2014, my position as THATCamp Coordinator will also end. I personally am not too worried about the future of THATCamp: it’s already sustaining itself very well, and to some extent I think that even if people cease to organize or […]

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DH + Social Sciences

There is lots of talk these days about  inclusivity and DH.  Some of this talk extends to disciplinary inclusivity.  In light of my own disciplinary background (“I’m not a humanist, but I hang around in the digital humanities community” blah, blah, blah…most people have heard my schtick) I’m really interested in talking about strategies that […]

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Defining and Developing the Skills Important to Digital Scholarship

THATCamp has opened up many opportunities for participants to share and develop skills in areas such as text mining, project management, material culture, and digital pedagogy (to mention just a few of the topics I’ve seen in browsing past THATCamps). But I want to take a step back and ask what are the skills important […]

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Talk Session: Spreading Innovation

It seems like I know many early adopters in the digital humanities, especially at small liberal arts colleges.  I’m interested in how we can cross the chasm.  How do we move digital humanities into the mainstream? Having recently started a new position as Director of Instructional and Emerging Technology, I am conscious of the need to […]

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Preparing for THATCamp Leadership

Hi all — I’m so glad you’ve agreed to come to THATCamp Leadership. For some of you, this will be only one of many THATCamps you’ve attended (or organized): for others of you, it will be the first THATCamp and probably the first unconference you’ve ever attended. I’m writing this in order to give you […]

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In the works: THATCamp Leadership

THATCamp Leadership is an invitation-only unconference for digital humanities scholars, university deans, heads of museums and libraries, and executive directors of scholarly associations and state humanities councils. Its purpose is to introduce leaders in the humanities to the benefits and structure of THATCamp in particular and unconferences generally. It will take place from 8:00am to […]

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